2003/9/17 ソロライブsolo live gig(4th) “with friends”at 新宿ミノトール2 ピアノ弾き語り/ハンドソニック演奏/ボーカルのみ He played the piano./He played the hand-sonic/vocal only
- 1.Changing Dream
- 2.Feels So Good So Far Now
- 3.She
- 4.stay you
- 5.Yes I'm Missing You
- 6.(Baby,)Your Love Has Set Me Free(*
- 7.Just A Little Bit(French version)
- 8.The Morning After(***
- 9.Just the way you are(Billy Joel's)
休憩 Break
- 10.慕情(bojou)
- 11.How can you live without love?(****
- 12.Try to wake up to a morning(****
- 13.Shimmering Eyes(Shanti sings)(****
- 14.Colors Of The Blues
- 15.Summer time
- 16.Until I meet the stars(スライドショー付きwith slide show
- 17.Speak to me(****(**
- 18.Nice to see you once more(****(**
- 19.Long Way From Home(**
- 20.One Wish For You(****(**
- 21.Morning Smile
(*・・・with Shanti Lila Snyder (**・・・Mickie Yoshino plays the piano
(***・・・with Genta /GUITAR(****・・・with Genta and Takekoshi /KEYBOARD and Shanti/BACK VOCAL
また、最後に演奏した新曲「Morning Smile」も名曲!優しく、そして強く訴えるメロディが素晴らしい!また聴きたいです・・・!!